Questioning Attitude

A curious person asks a lot of questions. They say that an inquisitive individual doubles the chances of acquiring new and increasing knowledge about many things because the person does not stop asking questions. We all have a questioning attitude even at an early age.

Kids seem to have an endless list of questions in their minds about the many wonders that astonish them. They would probably ask what rain is and once you start to give an answer, they will not stop throwing you the “why’s” of everything that happens around them.

As a person grows older and matures, the natural fondness to questions is minimized which is not a good thing. Some of us are simply contented with presumptions from our observations in our surroundings. Some shy away from asking for fear of being criticized or prejudiced.

Psychology says that we need to stimulate our questioning attitude continually as we grow into maturity. When it seems innate for a child to be inquisitive, adults acquire the talent the opposite way. Our questioning attitude must be reinvented; otherwise, it will become an old and boring routine when conversing with people and it can be difficult to modify.

A Positive Questioning Attitude

People with good questioning skills also possess a positive attitude in asking questions. In order to get rid of awkwardness in asking questions, somehow anticipate that your listener will provide answers to your questions and stay focused. Think things ahead and be sensitive enough to the inquiries you ask.

Part of exuding a positive questioning attitude is to project an appropriate tone of the voice and proper gestures or body language. Even if you have the best of intentions but the tone lacks sincerity, the listener will most likely avoid getting in a conversation with you. So make sure that the tone is positive, meaning it must be enthusiastic, friendly, and sounds interested. In business such as taking phone calls, we project an image suitable for the setting. We modulate the voice and sound warm so the customers will appreciate it. A positive questioner is also an active listener even to minute details of the conversation.

A desirable questioning attitude is one that explores instead of exploits, cooperates instead of confronts, and empathizes rather than shows apathy.

Benefit of Good Questioning Attitude to Students

Having effective questioning skills accompanied by a positive questioning attitude is very advantageous for students in their search for more knowledge. The best kind of learning is one that is rooted from experience and associations with various situations. But in school, they need to develop a good inquisitive attitude which is one of the effective means to broaden knowledge since not all things are taught from textbooks.

Students can enhance their questioning attitude simply by not hesitating to ask questions when there are confusions and clarifications that need answers. And in the manner of constructing the question, keep it positive and encouraging.

Another tip is to apply the higher level order of questioning from Bloom’s taxonomy which also triggers a higher level of thinking. So, ask questions that require analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Ask the “whys” and the “hows” of certain things. If you may notice, your instructor usually ends the discussion with a follow-through for any questions from the audience.

Benefit of Good Questioning Attitude to Professionals

Professionals can also benefit much from good questioning attitude in the workplace. The smart choice of questions can be a way of impressing work colleagues. Someone who asks questions that are offensive, for example, is not getting a lot of respect and proper treatment from colleagues.

For example, you are in a meeting with colleagues at work. During the interaction, definitely questions are raised from various participants. Never attempt to throw a question for the sake of arguing or exploiting the mood. You would rather want to stay silent and keep it to yourself. Or, if you can rephrase your question to a less negative sounding statement, it would be a lot better.

No one probably ever fails when they ask questions. This is one of the fundamental tools in a successful communication process. Questioning is the key to better understanding of the things that are not clear to us.

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